AI Tech in Ten: Prompt Engineering vs. Fine Tuning

FuturePoint Digital's 10-minute or less AI tech updates

A conceptual illustration showing two sides. On the left, a person (depicted as a scholar) is sitting at a desk with papers marked with various commands and diagrams, symbolizing 'Prompt Engineering'. They are interacting with a large, complex machine without changing its parts, just tweaking the inputs. On the right, another person (depicted as a mechanic or engineer) is actively modifying the internal components of a similar machine, symbolizing 'Fine Tuning'. They are equipped with tools and adjusting gears and circuits. This image represents the differences between tweaking inputs vs. modifying the system itself, set in a futuristic workshop environment.

Audio introduction:

Welcome to FuturePoint Digital’s “AI Tech Updates in Ten,” our 10-minute or less updates related to artificial intelligence technology. Today we’re exploring differences between prompt engineering and fine-tuning, with examples of each.

If you're a frequent user of popular generative AI platforms like OpenAI's ChatGPT, xAI's Grok, or Google’s Gemini, you've probably been amazed by their capabilities—from crafting complex articles and enhancing recipes to generating Python code. Yet, you might have also noticed that these standard models sometimes deliver inaccurate or inconsistent results, often called "hallucinations."

Expert prompting, or prompt engineering, can greatly minimize these inaccuracies and enhance the reliability and quality of outputs from standard generative AI models. However, for applications demanding exceptionally high accuracy and consistency, these models must be customized with carefully curated pre-trained datasets and then fine-tuned. This fine-tuning process typically requires advanced data engineering and specialized machine learning and coding expertise.

Prompt Engineering vs Fine-Tuning

As noted, prompt engineering and fine-tuning are two methods used to guide the behavior of machine learning models, particularly in the field of natural language processing. Here are the key differences between the two:

Prompt Engineering

  1. Definition: Prompt engineering involves crafting inputs (or "prompts") that guide a pre-trained model to generate specific desired outputs without altering the model's parameters. It's a way of interacting intelligently with the model to elicit specific types of responses.

  2. Application: This method is used mainly with models that are not customized, like GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer). It requires a deep understanding of how the model responds to different types of inputs.

  3. Flexibility: Prompt engineering allows for quick experimentation and is highly flexible because it doesn't require changes to the model itself. Users can modify prompts on the fly to see how changes affect outputs.

  4. Cost and Resource Efficiency: It is less resource-intensive because it does not require training the model with additional data—only the right prompts need to be designed.

  5. Limitations: The effectiveness of prompt engineering is heavily dependent on the skill of the user in crafting prompts, and it may not always produce consistent or highly reliable results, especially for complex requirements.


  1. Definition: Fine-tuning involves adjusting the parameters of a pre-trained model on a specific dataset to adapt the model to particular tasks or to improve its performance on certain types of data.

  2. Application: This method is used when a more tailored approach is needed, allowing the model to become specialized for specific tasks or datasets, such as specific industries or proprietary applications.

  3. Customization: Fine-tuning generally requires a great deal more customization by developers with special machine learning knowledge and coding skills because it modifies the generative AI model itself, making it better suited for a particular domain or type of data. This can lead to better performance for specialized tasks compared to using a generic pre-trained model.

  4. Cost and Resource Requirements: Fine-tuning is resource-intensive, often requiring significant computational power and data for retraining. It also involves potential risks of overfitting if not properly managed.

  5. Durability and Scalability: Once a model is fine-tuned, it can be used repeatedly for the task it was customized for, providing consistent performance. However, scaling it to other tasks may require additional fine-tuning with new data.

In summary, prompt engineering is about manipulating inputs to effectively use a general model without training, ideal for those without resources for extensive computation. Fine-tuning, on the other hand, requires the ability to modify the model to perform well on specific tasks, which can be more effective but requires more investment in terms of data, computation, and maintenance. Both approaches have their place in the AI development toolkit, depending on the specific needs and constraints of the project.

Practical Examples

Prompt Engineering Example: Imagine you're using a language model like GPT-4 for a customer support chatbot. You need the AI to respond to customer inquiries with accurate and empathetic responses. Instead of training the model from scratch, you can use prompt engineering to guide the AI. You might provide a prompt like:

"Hello, I'm your friendly customer support AI. I'm here to help you with any questions or concerns you might have. Please describe your issue or ask a question, and I'll do my best to assist you."

By crafting the prompt in this way, you're giving the AI context about its role and how it should respond. This can lead to more accurate and helpful responses without the need for additional training.

Fine-tuning Example: Now let's consider a scenario where you're using a pre-trained image recognition model to identify different types of animals. The model is good at recognizing common animals like cats and dogs but struggles with more exotic species. In this case, you might decide to fine-tune the model.

You could collect a dataset of images of the exotic animals you want the model to recognize and use this to update the model's weights. This process involves training the model on this new dataset, allowing it to learn the features that distinguish these animals from others. After fine-tuning, the model should be better equipped to identify the exotic species.

So, in both cases, whether it's using prompt engineering or fine-tuning, the objective is to tailor the AI’s output to specific needs or tasks. However, prompt engineering manipulates the input to steer the unmodified model’s response, whereas fine-tuning adjusts the model itself (usually a much more complex process) to inherently understand and perform better on tasks related to the training data.

FuturePoint Digital leverages both prompt engineering and fine-tuning approaches to develop tailored AI solutions that not only meet the specific needs of our clients but also enhance their ability to interact with and utilize AI technology effectively. By integrating these methodologies, we empower clients to optimize existing AI systems with precision-crafted prompts, and we also create bespoke models that are finely tuned to deliver superior performance and insights unique to each business context.

Please follow us at: or contact us as [email protected] for a free consultation about how we might assist in meeting your organization’s AI opportunities.